It’s a space of psychological saftey, where people aren’t afraid to speak up, to lead when needed, to follow where necessary, to be proud of their own idea, but relinquish ownership and develop ideas together, as a team, when the time is right.
Innovation is a train of thought, rarely a flash. To fuel the sparks we need someone to bring the beginning of that idea, not a fully formed, iron-clad concept - just a ‘brick’. We’ll build the rest together.
This 3 session, 7.5hr, training programme is created and delivered by the professional Improvisers, trainers and facilitators at the Free Association. Each session further builds on the previous one, delivering a series of penny-drop moments of personal discovery for the participants.
Join some of the most reputable companies in the world, and create an Idea Friendly Envrionment of your own.
Scroll down for information on each session!
Step 1.
Understand the Power of Rejection
Effective Communication and Listening
We are experts at excelling in pressure situations. We rely on our training, a strong set of communication principles and, most importantly, each other.
In the professional world, communication is key to success. The importance of being able to communicate ideas and have those ideas heard and understood by your partner is never more heightened than when in a high-pressure scenario.
At The Free Association, we know that effective communication works in tandem with strong commitment to listening and empathy.
We will work on…
Understanding power of rejection • Awareness of its ripple effects • Accepting ideas • Supportive listening • Understanding the needs of your client or colleague • Relinquishing control in order to move forward.
Step 2.
Embrace Failure to Encourage Risk
It’s Easier With A Supportive Team Around You
There's an old adage we use at The Free Association: "What isn’t said, isn't known". It means when you miss a chance to speak up, you make it harder for everyone. But at the workplace, the opposite sometimes feels true: Speaking up means you might get it wrong - which affects your willingness to take a risk in the first place. We all know that great ideas elevate an entire company - so why are we keeping it to ourselves?
We will work on…
Fostering an environment of support and agreement • Encourage team members to make offers • How to face failure, head on • Using your partner’s support to move through failure, effectively.
We know that taking risks is easy when you know you've got the support of colleagues that are honest, engaged and empathetic. When you take risks, you can develop and move forward - “What is said, is known.”
Step 3.
Mine Before We Refine
Inspiration is a Train Of Thought. Rarely a Flash.
Innovation is coming up with new ideas and new solutions to problems. It requires an ability to think in new ways about things you see everyday. And more than that, it requires a willingness to do so – a willingness to listen actively to what your teammates are saying and doing – to use their ideas as well as yours to solve a problem or come up with a new vision.
We will work on…
Seeing everyday objects in new ways – and using that new point of view to come up with new ideas.
Making new choices, to test out ideas that were not the first or second ideas they thought of.
Find patterns in their thought and in group thought, and see how ideas can inspire others.
Learn that there are times to follow the group pattern and there are times to make jumps of inspiration.
The next time you’re faced with a new situation or problem, you’ll be able to see it in a new way, and think about it in a new way. You’ll be open to new points of view and you’ll be able to follow creative, new paths of thought to an innovative solution.

⭑This Workshop Is Available for Online and In-Person Delivery ⭑