‘‘It feels like you've really got the whole thing down to a science, as soul-crushing and comedy-killing as that may make you feel (sorry).”
- NETFLIX Animator
At The Free Association, we use our in-depth knowledge, experience and our theory of comedy to teach our students & performers to ‘find the funny’, and once they’ve found it - we teach them what to do with it.
After years of fortifying these good habits - we thought we’d share them with you.
In this new, 5 session course, originally created for Netflix, we will explore how we find comedy in the moment. Together, we will explore a series of practical exercises and lessons that gradually build a repeatable blueprint for generating scripted comedy content - all inspired by what we have available to us, in the moment.
We will work on:
- Learning the fundamentals - Comedic premise, point of view and audience expectations.
- Finding the Funny - Exploring a premise, and how we use what we know to create a comedic idea.
- Playing an idea for content - Heightening, grounding, repeating, resting.
- Ending, repeating and editing comedy.
- How the ‘Comedy Moments’ blueprint can be applied to any given situation
You will leave the course with one original comedy sketch, will have generated a huge amount of comedy premises, and have a wider understand of the fundamentals or written comedy, and how you can apply this to content creation.
The class is not about being funny and you won’t be put on the spot. All we ask is that you commit to listening, being present, giving the exercises a go and engaging with our philosophies, principles, and lessons from years of working with actors, writers and audiences.
(We also ask that you keep your camera on during the class … and there might be a tiny bit of homework in week 4. But the fun kind!)
⭑This Workshop Is Available for Online and In-Person Delivery ⭑